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Curated Community Stories
Boosting Event Success

Sparking interest, driving sales, and keeping attendees engaged are constant challenges for event organizers with limited time.
Curated stories from attendees and participants can amplify excitement, highlight impact, and turn your events into unforgettable experiences that grow your reach.

The Challenges

1. Attendance and Sales Declines

Rising competition makes attracting attendees harder, making ROI of events more critical than ever.

2. Low Attendee Engagement

Creating meaningful experiences at and beyond the event is an ever-present challenge.

3. Event Organizers Spread Thin

Juggling countless tasks leaving little time for high-impact engagement and follow-ups.

The Solution

Harpier utilizes the power of authentic, community-driven storytelling to enable you to boost attendance, engagement, and increase overall satisfaction more efficiently, helping increase the event’s value and drive long-term success.

We deliver:

1. Community Storytelling Fostering Engagement

Your attendees get engaged in a resonant way - to share their story and time - opening ways for more value creation.

2. Curated Stories That Inspire Participation

You get an automated system that captures attendee insights and wants/needs directly, keeping data actionable.

3. Smart Tools That Save Time and Energy

Harpier handles the heavy lifting, so that you can focus on creating resonant experiences and solve your KPIs.

Why Community Stories?

Harpier’s Curated Storytelling fosters a sense of belonging for your members.
This created sense of belonging is directly linked with:

Attendee Participation
Attendee Engagement

How Does Harpier Work Exactly?

Step 1
Collect Authentic Stories

Harpier designs a seamless Story Onboarding Experience (SOE) based on your needs.
The SOE is shared with attendees through Hyperlinks, and QR codes for easy participation – sharing their story and preferences.

Step 2
Organize and Manage Contributions

Harpier organizes, categorizes, and refines stories and insights into a ready-to-use database.
All content and insights – collected for and about your event through our collaboration – remains fully owned by you, providing complete control and flexibility of use.

Step 3
Curate Experiences That Inspire Engagement and Success

You leverage Harpier’s Recommendation System to deliver the right stories for every attendee at scale. Attendees can even request connections with recommended community members they relate to and who have opted in to meeting with others.
These curated connections make a big difference for your attendees.

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Data Referenced Above: (1) Attendee Participation(2) Attendee Engagement, (3) Attendee Satisfaction