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Curated Community Stories
Boosting Recruitment and Success

Standing out in the competitive consulting world is no small task.
Prove your expertise with stories of real client successes, demonstrating your unique approach and the transformative results you deliver—so families see why you’re the right choice.

The Challenges

1. Families Question Outcomes and ROI

You need to show proof that your assistance will deliver them desired results.

2. Families Demanding Personalized Guidance

You need to provide services uniquely tailored to each client and their needs.

3. Consultants Spread Thin With Energy and Time

You're juggling countless tasks, leaving little time to connect deeply with each prospect.

The Solution

Harpier utilizes the power of authentic, community-driven storytelling to enable consultants and professionals like you to recruit and guide their clients more efficiently.

We deliver:


1. Curated Authentic Stories That Convert Prospects

You get real stories from your past clients that drive emotional resonance and confidence in your offering.

2. Focused Experiences That Inspire Confident Progress

You get an automated system that matches the client with the right stories and help you guide their next steps efficiently.

3. Smart Tools That Save Time and Energy

Harpier handles the heavy lifting, so that you can focus on building strong relationships and helping clients.

Why Community Stories?

Harpier’s Curated Community Stories foster a sense of belonging for both the recipient of the story as well as for the storyteller.
This created sense of belonging is directly linked with:

Client Conversion
Client Retention

How Does Harpier Work Exactly?

Step 1
Collect Authentic Stories

Harpier designs a seamless Story Onboarding Experience (SOE) based on your needs.
The SOE is shared with your key community members – past clients, parents – through Hyperlinks, and QR codes, allowing them to easily participate by sharing their stories and contribution preferences.

Step 2
Organize and Manage Contributions

Harpier organizes, categorizes, and refines stories and insights into a ready-to-use database.
All content – collected for and about your company through our collaboration – remains fully owned by you, providing complete control and flexibility of use.

Step 3
Curate Experiences That Inspire Success

You leverage Harpier’s Recommendation System to deliver the right stories for every prospect at scale, enhancing the sales process as well as further guidance.

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Data Referenced Above: (1) Client Recruitment(2) Client Retention(3) Client Well-being