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Curated Community Stories
Inspiring Career Success

Scaling career support with limited resources and engaging disengaged students are tough.
Proving impact and building lasting employer partnerships adds to the difficulty.
Inviting students and alumni to share their success stories can help demonstrate impact, inspire others, and expand your ability to provide personalized, job-ready guidance.

The Challenges

1. Helping Individuals
at Scale

You lack the time and energy to provide tailored career support to every student.

2. Engaging Disengaged Students

Motivating students to consistently work on their career search is tough.

3. Proving Impact to Leadership & Employers

Consistently showing results of your work and building strong partnerships is key.

The Solution

Harpier utilizes the power of authentic, community-driven storytelling to enable career services professionals like you to scale impact, engage students and showcase its value.

We deliver:


1. Personalized Career Support at Scale

You get and automated system of alumni stories (and their time) inspiring student confidence in your guidance.

2. Engagement Through Success Stories

You get an automated system that matches the student with the right alumni and help them navigate next steps efficiently.

3. Proven Results for Leadership & Employers

Harpier collects and showcases all success stories so that you can focus on helping student with what you do best.

Why Community Stories?

Harpier’s Curated Community Stories foster a sense of belonging for both the recipient of the story as well as for the storyteller.
This created sense of belonging is directly linked with:

Alumni Engagement
Job Outcomes

How Does Harpier Work Exactly?

Step 1
Identify and Collect Authentic Stories

Harpier designs a seamless Story Onboarding Experience (SOE) based on your needs.
The SOE is shared with alumni through Hyperlinks, and QR codes for easy participation – to share their story and contribution preferences.

Step 2
Organize and Manage Contributions

Harpier organizes, categorizes, and refines stories and insights into a ready-to-use database.
All content – collected for and about your institution through our collaboration – remains fully owned by you, providing complete control and flexibility of use.

Step 3
Curate Experiences That Inspire Enrollment

You leverage Harpier’s Recommendation System to deliver the right stories for every student at scale. Prospects can even request connections with recommended alumni they relate to and who have opted in to share their time.
All connections require your approval, ensuring oversight and alignment with institutional goals.

Ready To Explore Further?

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Data Referenced Above: (1) Alumni Engagement, (2) Student Job Outcomes, (3)  Institutional Reputation