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Curated Community Stories
Inspiring Enrollment

Standing out from your higher education competitors is TOUGH!
Leverage authentic, compelling content from your students, alumni, and faculty—without stretching your time and limited resources.
Build trust, prove ROI, and drive conversions.

The Challenges

1. Families Question Outcomes and ROI

They demand proof that your institution and programs deliver results.

2. Information Overload and Inauthentic Content

Prospective students and parents feel overwhelmed and lost in the noise.

3. Admissions Counselors Spread Thin

You're juggling countless tasks, leaving little time to connect deeply with each prospect.

The Solution

Harpier utilizes the power of authentic, community-driven storytelling to enable admissions professionals like you to boost enrollment more efficiently.

We deliver:

1. Clear ROI Showcased Through Storytelling

You get an automated system showing prospects stories of outcomes, inspiring them to enroll with confidence.

2. Focused Experiences That Inspire Commitment

You get an automated system curating the most resonant stories for each prospect, driving their enrollment.

3. Smart Tools That Save Time and Energy

Harpier handles the heavy lifting, so that you can focus on building relationships and finalizing student enrollments.

Why Community Stories?

Harpier’s Curated Community Stories foster a sense of belonging for both the recipient of the story as well as for the storyteller.
This created sense of belonging is directly linked with:

Student Enrollment
Student Retention

How Does Harpier Work Exactly?

Step 1
Collect Authentic Stories

You define target groups of prospective students you want to focus on enrolling.
Harpier designs a seamless Story Onboarding Experience (SOE) based on your needs.
The SOE is shared with key community members – students, alumni, parents, and faculty – through Hyperlinks, and QR codes, allowing them to easily participate by sharing their stories and contribution preferences.

Step 2
Organize and Manage Contributions

Harpier organizes, categorizes, and refines stories and insights into a ready-to-use database.
All content – collected for and about your institution through our collaboration – remains fully owned by you, providing complete control and flexibility of use.

Step 3
Curate Experiences That Inspire Enrollment

You leverage Harpier’s Recommendation System to deliver tailored stories to every prospect at scale to drive your KPIs – (1) effectively supercharging your search, (2) boosting commitments during yield, and (3) reducing attrition during melt.
Prospects can even request connections with recommended community members they relate to and who have opted in to share their time in order to drive enrollments.
All connections require your approval, securing oversight and alignment with institutional goals.

Ready To Explore Further?

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Data Referenced Above: (1) Student Enrollment(2) Student Retention(3) Student Well-being